I’ve opened an Amazon Affiliate Shop, where I will link to some of my favorite products across Amazon. For your home, your horse, your barn, yourself, and random other areas of your life! They are all products I have tried out and use myself on a regular basis! I hope you will love them as…
The beauty of snow in Colorado is that it disappears after a few days of sunshine. USUALLY. I have had snow on the ground for over 2 weeks now. As you may realize at this stage, I have some body deficits/disabilities, so I cannot chisel frozen horse poop without causing LASTING effects. I normally hand-pick…
We’ve all experienced it or are about to… the Arctic Blast / Polar Vortex / Whatever you want to call it. Yesterday (Wednesday) I was out preparing the horses around 4:55pm, putting blankets on, bedding shelters, etc. and in a span of 30 seconds, I went from comfortable to downright cold. Only to find out…
It feels like as of late all we have been doing is working on fencing in our *down time* (HAAAA down time, good joke). But I needed a way to start weaning baby Teo off momma CC, and taking them back and forth to a stall with run to separate for a few hours a…
So my momma mare CC (Behold CCF) is one of the sweetest gentlest horses I have ever encountered. So much so that she doesn’t really do well with my other horses because they are both more dominant personalities and she won’t stand up for herself at all. So what does one do with a sweet…
Today and tomorrow are Amazon Prime Days. This means there are extra big deals on things you need (and don’t). To save you some time scrolling through Amazon, here are some deals that as an equestrian or horse owner, you might find handy. This is only good for people that have an Amazon Prime account,…
If you are like me you HATE scrubbing water tanks. Between getting wet and gross, and my back hurting from bending over, it isn’t the most pleasant of farm jobs. So I tried a lazy way of getting the job done and it is my new favorite farm hack! I used some scrub brushes for…
We have been on our farm for a little over 2 years now. This entire time I have been using my horse trailer as my tack-up station (not that I was riding much so it didn’t really matter). I have high hopes of building my dream barn someday (once prices come WAY down again –…
You may have noticed some of your favorite equestrians name dropping or even linking to some of their favorite products. There are many reasons for this, but the one I am touching on today is brand affiliates or brand ambassadors. Brand Ambassadors/Affiliates don’t get paid for what they do, per se, and they don’t get…
You might be wondering what that title is all about. One of my favorite local weather guys (Kody from Denver & Front Range Weather) coined these hashtags in one of his recent posts and I am all about them. It stands for sweaty (fill in the blanks). Well, I should say the hashtags made me…
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